Welcome to Aadi Yoga Studio

Yoga is practiced as a form of exercise and a spiritual discipline for mental well-being since ancient times. Sages and gurus used to practice Yoga as an austere discipline and used yoga to unite their consciousness with the universal consciousness. Today, people seeking spiritual quotient along with physical fitness show a keen interest in learning yogic asanas poses along with meditation. If you are looking for the best yoga classes in Navi Mumbai then Yoga studio is the perfect destination. With the increasing stress and health issues prevalent these days, yoga is gaining popularity as it is done for both mind and body.

Yoga not only helps to stay fit but also cures many lifestyle diseases. Through asanas and poses of yoga and correct breathing techniques we preach the way to a happy and healthy life. We also emphasize sattvic food and Ayurveda to prevent and treat many diseases. Our learned gurus are well-qualified and have deep knowledge of yogic methods and techniques. We have been recognized as conducting the best yoga classes in Navi Mumbai. We not will teach asanas to stay fit but also teach ways to prevent lifestyle diseases like Diabetes, Arthritis, Blood Pressure, Thyroid, Obesity, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. At Yoga Studio we offer the following services to our clients:

  • Pranayama or breathing techniques
  • Traditional Yoga and asanas
  • Yoga therapy
  • Weight loss and obesity treatment
  • Ayurvedic treatment and diet

We also teach various asanas, poses, and meditation. We conduct our yoga training classes in Navi Mumbai in groups under a trained teacher. Our main aim is to help people improve not only their general well-being but to address their specific health needs too. We also conduct online yoga classes so that people who cannot commute can attend our classes in the comfort of their homes. Apart from general yoga we also offer yoga therapy that cures specific ailments. At Yoga Studio, our yoga therapists have the required qualification to treat the ailments according to the client’s specific health needs. They have the necessary medical knowledge and psychotherapeutic skills to treat ailments and health conditions. We provide the best medical yoga therapist in Navi Mumbai. The patient with the help therapist implements personalized yoga practice to cure the ailment. Yoga therapy helps them in overcoming their health challenges by actively engaging them in self-care.

At Yoga Studio, we teach all the asanas and poses of yoga along with the correct breathing techniques. We also preach the power of Ayurvedic medicines to stay away from many diseases. Our learned gurus and yoga experts possess deep knowledge of Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda. We have the best Yoga teacher in Navi Mumbai. We cure many lifestyle diseases like Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Arthritis, Thyroid, Obesity, and mental health issues with our Yoga therapy and ayurvedic medicines. Our yoga therapist strongly believes that Yoga therapy and specific yoga sessions with breathing-based practices significantly improve depression and mental health issues like anxiety and panic attacks. Also, research suggests that yogic asana is effective as an alternative treatment for anxiety disorders.

Through yoga-based meditation, you enhance yourself as a person. Yoga calms the mind and reduces stress. Thus, it leads to better sleep and increased efficiency at work. Our best yoga teacher in Navi Mumbai teaches you the correct way of meditation. Yogic Pranayama can lead to a healthy heart. Through yoga and breathing exercises conditions like high blood pressure and excess weight can be addressed. It boosts your energy levels. Yoga makes you feel happy, enthusiastic, and positive.

Specific yoga sessions with breathing-based practices significantly improve depression and mental health issues like anxiety and panic attacks. Yoga asana and poses are effective as an alternative treatment for anxiety disorders. Besides this, Yoga improves bone health too. Our yoga teacher teaches the best yoga poses to improve bone health. We also teach specific asanas to reduce obesity. We inculcate the habit of fitness and our weight loss classes in Navi Mumbai are preferred by many of our clients. Yoga has given positive results in the treatment of many ailments and offers umpteen health benefits. Yoga increases strength and stamina. It reduces stress and improves flexibility.

At Yoga Studio, our main aim is to help people improve not only their general well-being but to address their specific health needs too. We also offer the most effective weight loss, yoga classes. With the help of yogic asanas, we cure many lifestyle diseases and with our unique yoga therapy, we treat specific ailments. Our learned gurus preach methods to build a connection between mind and body. They teach self-disciplinary practices like meditation, pranayama, chanting mantra prayer, etc. At Yoga studio, we believe that yoga is beneficial for overall well-being.

The yogic asanas, breath work, meditation, etc. help in reducing tension and relieving anxiety. At the Yoga Studio, we also offer online pranayama classes. Yoga makes your body flexible and agile. At Yoga Studio we teach many self-disciplinary practices like meditation, pranayama, chanting mantra, prayer, etc. Yoga eliminates stress and stress adversely affects your immune system. Many studies have shown that regularly practicing yoga leads to a better immune system. Yogic asanas and poses activate areas of the brain responsible for motivation, thinking, and attention. Yoga fights exhaustion and can help fight burnout. Yogic poses cure not only the body but soothe the mind too. The yogic asana calms your mind and helps you rejuvenate from the stress of daily life. At Yoga Studio we conduct the best yoga classes with separate classes for ladies. We also conduct special online classes for your convenience and easy access.

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