Welcome to Aadi Yoga Studio

Yoga means uniting individual consciousness with universal consciousness. It aims to create a perfect bond between the mind and the body. At Yoga studio, we believe that yoga is an austere discipline and a form of exercise which includes asanas, pranayama, meditation, etc. Pranayama is one of the main components of yoga. Pranayama means prana or “life” and Yama means “to gain control of”. So, Pranayama is the practice of breath regulation involving breathing exercises and patterns. At Yoga Studio we conduct online Pranayama classes in Kharghar. If you want to access our Pranayama classes in the comfort of your home at commuting is a problem for you, then our online Pranayama classes can be a great solution.

The underlying principle of Pranayama that we preach is that you should always clear the physical and emotional blocks or obstacles in the body so that prana or breath can flow freely. It involves specific breathing exercises that use the breath to expand the flow of prana through energy channels in our bodies called the Nadis. Through our online Pranayama classes in Kharghar, we teach all the types of Pranayama in a detailed and correct manner. Our gurus and yoga teacher are learned and believe that most kinds of Pranayama are practiced sitting down on the ground with a straight spine in a Padmasana /lotus pose. However, some Pranayama practices must be avoided by certain people like pregnant women, or during menstruation. People with heart issues or blood pressure should not do certain types of Pranayama or consult their doctors before doing it.

At Yoga Studio we have experienced yoga therapists in Kharghar who conduct one-to-one sessions to deal with specific health issues. As Pranayama clears the blocks so the breath can flow freely and your body functions freely and you feel fit. Your mind calms down and you feel healthy. Pranayama involves these four parts of breadth:

  • Inhalation
  • Internal retention
  • Exhalation
  • External retention

The breath should be smooth and not strained. The back should be straight and you should sit in a Padmasana or lotus pose. At the Yoga Studio we offer separate online pranayama classes in Kharghar for ladies. There are many types of pranayama however, as a part of your daily fitness regime you should practice these five types of Pranayama:

Anulom-vilom Pranayama

It involves alternate nostril breathing. It helps in preventing heart disease, improves eyesight, normalizes blood pressure, and helps in blood purification.


The word Bhramari comes from the black bee. During this pranayama, the exhalation resembles the sound of a humming bee. It calms your mind and is best for anxiety, stress, anger, or depression.

Ujjayi Pranayama

This breathing technique involves producing a hissing sound during inhalation. The sound vibrations help in improving concentration, and cure Thyroid, and snoring.


A strong and deep breathing exercise is also called the skull shining breathing technique. It reduces belly fat, helps in weight loss, and balances sugar levels. It is good for abdominal organs.


This forceful breathing exercise produces a sound like a flame burning below a furnace. This Pranayama is good for the lungs, clears up the respiratory system, and also burns excess fat.

Pranayama is quite beneficial both for physical and mental well-being. You must start slow and gradually increase the number of cycles when you perform these breathing exercises regularly. While doing Pranayama it is important to think positively and focus on breathing. It is advisable to sit cross-legged in a Sukhasana or Padamasans or lotus pose. The back should be straight and the eyes closed. It is also advisable to check with your doctor before performing certain Pranayama. Your doctor will advise you on which Pranayama to avoid for your health issues. Pranayama can be beneficial in a lot of ways. It boosts your metabolism, improves digestion, calms, and relaxes your mind.

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