Welcome to Aadi Yoga Studio

Yoga therapy is one of the components of yoga that involves yogic asanas and poses to treat specific ailments or health conditions.

Yoga helps us to stay fit and also cures many lifestyle diseases. We teach the various asanas and poses of yoga and correct breathing technique. Through our Yoga classes, we preach the way to a healthy and happy life.

Medical Yoga is the use of yoga practices for the treatment of a specific medical condition. It is used to create a state of consciousness where the patients themselves understand their condition and become proactive to prevent it. Medical yoga is used to treat diabetes, high blood pressure, heart condition, hormone imbalances, etc.

Yes, we conduct both offline and online modes. We charge accordingly for the sessions.

We charge Rs 1000/ per month minimum depending upon whether it is online or offline.

Our classes start early morning from 06.00 am to 11.30 am and evening from 04.00 pm to 06.00 pm. We conduct our classes from Monday to Saturday.

Yes, adopting an Ayurvedic diet along with regular Yoga can lead to weight loss.

Yes, Yoga and meditation are quite helpful in calming the nerves and relaxing the mind. Both Yoga and meditation enhance you as a person.

Yes, all our Yoga teachers are certified yoga trainers, well-qualified, and yoga experts.