Welcome to Aadi Yoga Studio

It is a daunting task to select the best Yoga classes in your area. There may be many Yoga classes in your area and you may feel overwhelmed at times. It’s important to do your research before enrolling in any yoga class. Going through the reviews and ratings of various Yoga classes in your area can give an idea of their quality and reputation. Yet confused to select the best one? Here’s the solution. If you are searching for the best Yoga classes in Kharghar, then “Adi Yoga” is a perfect choice.

At Adi Yoga, we ensure that our instructors are certified and experienced. Also, many specialty classes are being offered that would be beneficial for you. We offer a schedule and class times to fit in with your lifestyle. We have separate batches for working professionals, ladies, and senior citizens. We also teach a wide array of yoga styles and modalities. At our Yoga classes in Kharghar, we teach unique Yoga styles and forms. For example, Hatha is a popular, traditional form of yoga that focuses on body and breath awareness. Yin yoga is slower-paced and emphasizes releasing into poses for longer periods. We also teach Vinyasa which incorporates more dynamic movement and is best for more active practice. We educate you about new styles and forms of Yoga. Let’s look at the highlights of our classes:

  • We teach various asanas, poses, styles, and meditation. For eg- Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Vinyasa, etc.
  • We conduct our yoga classes in groups under a trained teacher.
  • Our weight loss yoga classes in Kharghar are known to give the desired results. We also teach the most effective Yoga styles and forms to lose weight.
  • Our main aim is to help people improve their general well-being and address their specific health needs too.
  • We treat many lifestyle diseases with our unique yoga therapy.
  • Our learned and certified gurus preach methods to build a connection between mind, body, and soul. They put emphasis on modern as well as traditional practices like meditation, pranayama, chanting mantra prayer, etc.
  • We believe that yoga is beneficial for overall well-being and is good for both physical and mental health.
  • We also offer online pranayama classes in Kharghar besides offline classes for those who stay far and want to learn Yoga and pranayama remotely.

Apart from these highlighting features, we offer services like:

  • Teaching breathing techniques
  • Traditional Yoga
  • Yoga therapy
  • Weight loss
  • Ayurvedic treatment and diet

We believe in the power of traditional yoga that emphasizes taking Yoga as a lifestyle and not just one hour on the Yoga mat. You get the best Yoga teacher in Kharghar at our Yoga classes. Our Yoga teachers are certified and possess full knowledge of evolving Yoga styles like Hatha, Yin, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Power Yoga, etc.

Hatha Yoga focuses on enhancing you as a person and also makes you physically fit. Many other modern Yoga styles have evolved like Yin, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Power Yoga, etc. Let’s learn about them:

Hatha Yoga

In Sanskrit, Hatha means “force”. Our Yoga teachers in Kharghar center are well-versed in Hatha yoga. Hatha Yoga uses physical movement and body poses to challenge your strength and flexibility and at the same time relax your body and mind.

Yin Yoga

It is a slow-paced style with poses and asanas that are held for longer periods. Yin Yoga helps you relax and slow down thereby reducing stress and restoring energy levels.

Vinyasa Yoga

This Style has a unique flow and you move from one pose directly to another. Vinyasa Yoga aims at connecting your breath to the movements and is done at a faster pace. At Adi Yoga, we offer the services of the best Ayurvedic dieticians with Yoga classes in Kharghar.

Ashtanga Yoga

This style focuses on the eight limbs of Yoga which are Yam (abstinences), niyama (observances), asana (yoga posture), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), dharana (concentration, dhyana (meditation), and samadhi (absorption).

Power Yoga

This is a rigorous style of Yoga and burns more calories than the traditional poses of Yoga. Power yoga is an energetic form of Yoga and is done to increase stamina and flexibility. It also helps in releasing toxins through sweat.

Now, you know that Yoga has evolved. Apart from the traditional asanas newer styles and forms are also practiced. Today through yoga therapy, individual problems can be solved. At our Yoga classes in Kharghar, we conduct one-to-one sessions so you feel that you are being listened to. We also conduct group yoga where you can fight loneliness and create an environment for group healing. Our Yoga classes connect you to a community that supports healthy living and fitness. It encourages and promotes better self-care.

Although Yoga is an ancient practice, it has evolved now to suit the demands of the present-day world. Modern Yoga emphasizes physical posture practices while traditional Yoga views Yoga as a spiritual realization. At our Yoga classes in Kharghar, we teach both modern Yoga and traditional Yoga. Through traditional asanas and poses of yoga and correct breathing techniques, we preach the way to a happy and healthy life. Modern Yoga like Power Yoga and Yin Yoga is derived from traditional yoga only. Modern Yoga is rigorous and done at a fast pace. The main aim of these rigorous styles is to release more toxins through sweat.

At our Yoga classes, we also emphasize sattvic food and Ayurveda to prevent and treat many diseases. Our certified trainers and teachers and have deep knowledge of evolving yoga methods and styles. They preach both modern and traditional Yoga methods and asanas to stay fit and prevent lifestyle diseases. They emphasize making yoga a part of your modern lifestyle. Apart from rigorous modern Yoga styles, traditional Yoga and its self-disciplinary practices like meditation, pranayama, chanting mantra prayer, etc help in creating a healthy mind and body. Modern as well as traditional Yoga creates overall well-being.

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